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Australia V2 - FPEA Pearce Airport - Elevation Issue

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I purchased and installed Australia V2 yesterday (after uninstalling Australia V1 first and removing my copy of FreeMeshX for Austalia) and ran AEC auto config from Vectors control panel. Scenery looks great BTW. I discovered that there were still elevation issues with YPEA (Pearce Airport) and so I manually disabled it in AEC and now it looks fine. I have no addon scenery in this area. I just wanted to confirm if this is an example of an airport that you are still to update to be compatible with Australia V2's higher definition mesh? If so, then if I find any more, I will know to manually disable them in AEC and then when they have been updated, they will be 're-enabled' when I run the AEC Auto Config tool.


Many thanks




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one of the main difference between version 1 and version 2 is that version 1 contained no addon airports.

For this reason, Vector AEC was not relevant.

Version 2 on the other hand has all addon airports, so it is to be expected that some of them will be affected by

Vector AEC. Running the auto-configuration should minimise any anomalies.

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Thanks for the explanation, Nick. I did run the Vector AEC auto-configuration and applied changes, but FPEA still had elevation issues with sunken runways etc. I resolved it by manually disabling for now.



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