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I cannot see any CAE3 scenery in your screenshot; and cannot identify the area you show; please post an overhead shot that includes the lat lon'. Could you also describe what addon is being interfered with, where it comes from, and what it does?


Unless by undiscovered accident, CAE3 should not add any scenery modifications outside the scenery area shown in the User Guide.


I have posted the compatibility fixes I know of in the Compatibility forum but that does not apply in this case.




[edit] If the area of concern is the Hidden Harbour marina area in CAE3, the options are limited. The CVX flatten in this case includes a number of flattens along the coastal roadway, one or more small flattens in the area of Hidden Harbour as well as other important flattens. If you disable this file it would seriously affect  a large part of CAE3.  If the addition is  your own,  I would suggest making a small "Airport Boundary" exclude in the area of interference, very easy to do with SBuilder.  Make the exclude  small, then extend it a little if a flatten you desire to remove still remains.

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I have been utilizing this area since 2013 from FSX through 4.5 and the only time this issue was noticed now is when I introduced CAE3... This PNW area from Vancouver to Ketchikan  I have been modifying for several years and this is the first time with all your coastal PNW addons has caused this CVX issue... I truly hope that this issue can be fixed as this the Cambell River area is my BOE with several custom areas... The flatten seams to be nulled here with CAE3 and prioritizing will not fix the CVX override...  

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I'm not sure what to suggest: I have examined all of the CVX files in CAE3 with TMFViewer  twice even and including checking with my FTXC 3 install, and find no vector polys in the area you have outlined. (To me, TMFViewer is the gold standard.)  I have also checked the area in P3D v4.5 and I attach a screen which should be very similar to your shot. I see no evidence of a flatten unlike your shot. You should be able to see this in screen below. So I can't duplicate the issue.


Perhaps you could verify files for CAE3 and/or  re-install it. If that does not help, you could disable the CAE3 CVX files one by one to see if you can isolate the problem. I really can't think of a way where a flatten would somehow appear in your CAE3 files when I can see none in that area as checked by two methods.


If you are using the xml-addon method,  perhaps there is something sneaking going on there.


Sorry, but I just can't think of anything else at the moment.




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Hello again,


Here is a closeup from P3D v3.4 using my dev files of what I see with the files in your zip and CAE3 active.  I can't see anything obviously wrong. Specifically, the spit is not flattened as in your screenshot. What I see is certainly different from your screenshot. Without being able to duplicate the problem I'm not able to get any further.  Have you tried uninstalling CAE3, deleting all the files and re-installing it?







And here is an additional shot from P3D v4.5 using CAE3 files from FTXC3. Again, I can't see anything specifically wrong, at least as compared to your screenshot.



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I have gone all the way to reinstalling the scenery then loading PNW then this custom package and the flatten is as expected loaded my entire ORBX ftx and global excluding  CAE3 and flatten is as expected.. Install CAE3 the flatten is ignored regardless of the library hierarchy top middle bottom does not matter  ... CAE3 is definitely the issue that is affecting the hierarchy to the point of apparently it appears cae3 is ignoring the hierarchy rules and not allowing the flatten... I uninstall CAE3 from the P3d Libray the flatten is where it should be and appears as expected.  Reload CAE3 and issue reappears... 

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Hello once again,

Without a picture of what you scenery is supposed to look like I'm just guessing: I gather that it contains a flatten or flattens that are not working now.


I have just created a simple flatten with SBuilder which covers half the island and is set for a constant elevation of 2 meters. As per the attached screen, it works properly.


Perhaps due to the proximity of CAE3 to your project for reasons not known to me, your older flatten does not work (although my simple one does).  Unfortunately I do not have a solution for you at this point. Perhaps at some point I may have an idea.  Rather than deal with the frustration, perhaps the best thing would be to just live with the other seaplane bases.


I will mark this as problem noted for now,



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I have thought about this more: the only file in CAE3 that is active anywhere near your scenery is the special hydro file that Holger prepares for me. It replaces the shoreline along the shore of Quadra Island in the area but it does not change any of the small islands.  There are no hydro polys that are modified in that area.  So in theory it should not affect your project at all.


Nonetheless, these are complex and tricky files that on rare occasions do unexpected things.


If you want to check this possibility, try disabling this file:  cvx_FTX_PNW_water_BC_Center_CampbellRiver.BGL 

Also disable this file;  0_CVX_CAE3_hydro_exclusions_Holger.BGL

Now there will be no hydro corrections for CAE3.


If it turns out that Holger's hydro subset with my edits is causing your problem, unfortunately even if I knew what the exact problem was, these files are so 'fragile' that I can't take the risk of really messing up the bulk of CAE3 trying to fix this issue. And as of now and having reviewed the pertinent files, I see no problem with the hydro subset.


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