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Hello All!


It's usually the case that my questions have already been answered where I failed to find them...


Is the TEGB download all one piece? 42gb in a single download may cause me some difficulty as my internet connection comes over my phone and I live in a somewhat rural area. (Download speed varies from 1 to 10 MB, and occasionally 0 when the network gets tired of me hogging all the bandwidth). The screenshots I've seen look great so I'm willing to give the download a go, depending on the answers to the other questions.


At 5000 feet my existing trees have me feeling as though I'm 2000 feet above a minature terrain model. Are the TEGB trees smaller than the outsized stock or High Def sets, which seem about 150% of real world size? (They look about right in screenshots but as a lot of those are urban or taken from close to the ground it's hard to be sure).


Third, from experimenting with John's pinned settings I've found that the biggest drag on the framerate in my current setup is the number of autogen objects so is it possible to reduce the number of scenery objects in TE as can be done for landclass et c. (sliders in P3D graphics settings or in a TE configuration panel)? I may even elect to disable all scenery objects in cruise.


Finally, would upgrading P3D from v4.3 to v4.5 bring much of a benefit where TE is concerned? 4.3 at present works pretty well for me and if updating won't make much of a difference then I'll leave it as it is. I guess I'll find out by trying.


Thanks very much.


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Hi Davey

Welcome to the forum


If you don't mind I can share my own experience as user


The TEGB is a one piece download indeed, but believe it or not I have never seen such a speedy download after the improvements made to FTX Central. Even though you do need an stable internet connection for better.

If you have a download  interruption FTX Central can continue downloading at the point it was interrupted once you connect again but if your connections is so unstable it may take you  too long


I could not tell about the trees, I just see they look fine in my sim. Someone from Orbx might reply to this "technical" question.


TrueEarth products are very demanding of computer's resources. At the beginning I was not able to even launch it, I had a black screen. So I upgraded my windows (as recommended) and I added Ram as I was just 8GB and then I could launch it. After, based on JV settings I can now fly it but still with some difficulty as my video card memory is poor just 2 GB but I hope to do an upgrade soon.


So, first of all it is important that you know well your system capacity. It is always a good to add the information below your signature so the administrators can guide you better when having this particular information request or when having any issue. Be sure you system can run the product to avoid frustration.


Now this is very personal opinion:

Being such an amazingly detailed product, what is the sense in reducing objects, autogen, etc?

The product is a jewel as it is. I know some people do that to have better frame rates etc but in such case if you are going to fly high and fast I think the best product for you is England.

What we have to do is to upgrade our systems not to downgrade a product that was made with such detail and effort, that is its reason to be.

Some things can be reduced as you asked and also the sliders move down but in my opinion that is to make the product poor. I rather keep England before doing that to TEGBS and as started this is just my personal point of view.


Back your text, it is better to change from P3D v4.3 to v4.5. There have been good improvements so it will be beneficial for you.


Don't forget to mention about your computer configuration or put in in your signature so developers or administrators can advise or comment based on more complete information


True Earth products are diamonds, keep them shinning :)


Hope this works somehow





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Carlos, thank you very much for your reply.


Mostly I fly cross-country, with ASP3v4 and Radar Contact. I also spend a lot of PC time just looking around. About the only time I fly high and fast is when I'm playing with Air Hauler in... FS9.


I already have FTX EU England, Scotland and Wales. Living in Wales I find the product doesn't really convince me below about 5000 feet, especially where I'm familiar with the ground (most of Wales and parts of Scotland), hence the enquiry. The photoscenery I have in FS9 is devoid of autogen but I've added my own to my usual haunts and am quite happy with the absence elsewhere. Adding it is a fairly simple matter when I have a burning need to do so:




System specs are:


GigaByte Z170-HD3P
i5-7400 at 3000 MHz
2 × 8 GB DDR4 at 1500 MHz
GeForce GTX 1060 with 6 GB


With the three applications running, and with settings pushed a little beyond John's recommendation, I get the results below. At EGLL with weather and full traffic, the PC really struggles but I'm not really interested in urban sightseeing.


The charts are from Hwinfo64. I believe the maxxed core is running P3D as it's in the same state when I use the sim with no other applications. Assuming GPU VR means video ram, I'm surprised to see 0% and may have chosen the wrong parameter. Even so, you can see the main ram is not really being taxed.


Why am I not still using solely FS9? Because my XP machine died and my favourite plane won't install into FS9 in Win 10. It's a stock plane in P3D and, given that I built the Win 10 PC in order to fly it, it has entailed a huge outlay so you can understand how fond I am of it :)


Best regards,








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