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EU England scenery missing improved lights and trees.


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I have Orbx EU England whichI bought back in 2016, my order number was 498870 and I paid AUD$54.95 for it.


I haven't used FSX for ages but I've recently bought a new graphics card so I'm enjoying using it again. The thing is my Orbx scenery doesn't seem to be working properly.


I have FTX Central 2 installed, and under Europe it lists England as installed scenery, and in game the scenery does indeed display. However if I look at the included manual 'FTX EU ENG User Guide'.pdf it demonstrates configuration of the ORBX scenery using FTX Central (not version 2) that seems to contain lots of features that I don't seem to have.


Firstly it shows an option to 'Use ORBX Trees' I don't have that option anywhere and the trees look like default FSX trees to me.


The manual describes another tool FTX Lights Tweaker, I don't have that either and the lights look like default FSX lights.


There is also mention of FTX Day and FTX Night mode switches, I don't have that.


From what I've managed to learn online the ORBX scenery comes in various products. Global Base, Global Vector, Global Trees and the region scenery. My understanding was that the region scenery includes the assets of these other products so that for a given region they do not need to purchased separately. It seems to me that what I have installed seems very much like updated coastlines, landclasses, airfields, ground textures, additional city and point of interest details, but I seem to be missing improved trees, lighting and autogen.


The image below shows my FTX Central 2 view, I don't have any options for my region scenery at all.


Can someone help me diagnose what might be the problem please?




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