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Mesh Error

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This MESH ERROR relates to tile +53-002 and in particular the gliding airfield known as CAMPHILL XEG4CH on the x-plane scenery gateway. The gliding airfield is at grid ref +53.305965 -001.729628


Photos attached show images using UK VFR scenery purchased from RC Simulations during the 10 run of X-Plane (prefixed VFR - something) These are a perfect representation of our airfield - an undulating hilltop site in the Derbyshire Peak District.  The other images (prefixed ORBX - something) show (almost)  the same views. It looks like there's some flattening going on but I can't figure out how or why. I know there is a rogue XEG4CH that gets downloaded with every X-P update, created by webbot software used by some well intentioned community member who clearly has never flown from the site (that's the polite way of putting it) - before anyone asks I've tried uploading my version but it keeps getting thrown out. You just can't make an airfield look 85 years old with the LR  library options


I have actually removed the folder Global Airports from my install folder and as far as I can determine, there are no rogue tiles in any other folders other than the ORBX folders (the VFR tiles are actually on a totally separate,  unconnected machine)


Possiible conclusions. 1) I screwed up somehow, (very likely)  2) there's a rogue mesh somewhere in my install folder  3) the ORBX mesh is wrong for this location - but to be honest is does look like the kind of flattening that happens when someone forgets to untick the box in WED except that it's not as severe as round an airport boundary which takes the hill slope waaaaayyy out into the valley


Note in particular the main concerns - 1) the whole damned airfield is just too flat. 2) Their is a raised section just to the north of the airfield boundary that impacts our  circuit when landing from the north 3) the western slope is too far from the windsock. In real life the slope start about 20 mtrs from the windsock


[EDIT] no file names after I posted. You can get all the screenshots at https://1drv.ms/f/s!AmlhuKdaEBz0ioR6k0yCU1sAsf8u2A 


My Airport  is at  https://1drv.ms/f/s!AmlhuKdaEBz0ioQgNtsEJ7ui6LaCDA   , but you'll need extra libraries, opensceneryx, World Models and FF_Library_Extended_ LOD and R2 libraries - just don't use the one off the gateway - it will flatten it beyond all recognition

ORBX 8.png

ORBX Landed where's the slope.png


VFR_North End.png

VFR Landed - note the slope.png

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Still having some scenery issues but I'm not sure whether it's an X-Plane issue, and ORBX issue or both (or my install is screwed) . 


Since Ilast posted I've transferred my UK VFR scenery license to my PC so I can do comparisons using the same hardware, the same versipn of X-Plane - just changing things by manipulating the scenery packs.ini file

I produced a quick and dirty video to show the issue which is at https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmlhuKdaEBz0iql7OkCVGJBJZB79Hg?e=1GcXZE  The first part may be an X-Plane issue - possibly caused by a rounding error that has crept in. The position of the overlay over the base mesh appears to be out by one or two seconds (in grid ref terms -  between 35 and 50 mtrs) whilst part two clearly shows the ORBX issue I reported in teh original post

Can any real world pilots post a response here if their home airports (or any that they are ultra familiar with in the real world) seem to be positionally out in X-Plane since 11.33 or if the ORBX tile is flattened in any way.


In actual fact, apart from the positional issue - which may be an X-Plane problem, I've actually ended up with the best of both worlds having discovered that I can use the VFR PHOTO SCENERY mesh and orthos with the ORBX overlays and custom folders. BUT the point is - I shouldn't have to The ORBX mesh needs to be right. If it's any help, the credits on the original packaging for  VFR PHOTO SCENERY from RC Simulations lists the terrain data as Copyright Intermap technologies inc and the aerial imagery copyright Getmapping PLC. Their colour correction and/or saturation seems a whole lot better - certainly for the Peak District National Park - noted for it's moorland heathers and rich farm pastures. The mesh also is more accurate (or perhaps it's less course) The slopes on the hills are more accurate whilst ORBX seems - shallow (less contoured) than they should be.


I am a real world pilot who spends most of his time at less than 1500ft and often below ridge height around The Peak District. So two pleas 1) please address the main issue of our flat site and 2) please take seriously the colour saturation of your product and the coarseness and accuracy  of your mesh

Thanks in advance

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