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Missing Files in Airport Downloads

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I have just downloaded and installed Cardiff, Popham and Sumburgh airports. I already have TEGB South and North working correctly but none of these airports load correctly and report missing files. I have verified each using FTX Central and it reports the files are correct. The airports show up in the Custom Scenery folder and in the Log in the top 3 positions. Here are the Log screen shots:

X Plane Log 16 May.JPG

X Plane 1.JPG

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Ah. Thanks Nick.  I'll have a look tomorrow.

Completely separate subject but FSS transfer (whatever that is) doesn't work, It just says "we seem to have a problem".  FTX Central says an update is available but when I go to download it, it says I don't have a licence, so need to do an FSS transfer.  Any help appreciated. I am using the email address used to purchase both X Plane 11 and the OrbX products for both FSX and X Plane 11 but FSS Transfer doesn't like it.


Best regards



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