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True Earth GB North - Power Pylons & 3D Buildings

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I have been using TEGB South for a while, and for realistic VFR flight it is amazing and with world objects set to max, I can even see the individual houses I have lived in and can re-enact the many real flights I have done all around the region. Even the small microlight sites are useable. After struggling a bit with technology, I managed to move the files across to my D  partition and use a symbolic link to free up space on C.


I have now purchased TEGB North but somehow, perhaps due to the remoteness and scattered communities across Scotland, it doesn't seem to provide the degree of realism of the South region. Edinburgh looks a bit artificial and in the smaller towns and villages, the introduction of 3D buildings actually seems to detract from the photorealistic baseline.


Moving up to Shetland which I know well, there appear to be a proliferation of multiple high voltage pylons around Lerwick and on Bressay stretching out to Tingwall airport. None of these exist in reality.  Also, there are several 3D churches which have been added, but most of these are of English design and actually face the wrong way. Probably better to leave them out and accept the photorealstic images which, on higher settings come out well. It would be an almost impossible task to go round every little village and place houses, farms and churches in a realistic fashion.


Finally, I did ask FTX Central to install GB North on my D drive and it did indeed download it to D. However, when it unpacked it, it did so to C. I will now have to move the files and do another set of symbolic links, which incidentally need to be made to each of the Orbx folders, not just "the Orbx folder" as posted.


Great job Orbx. I already have all the FSX UK files but having upgraded  my graphics card to GTX1050t and RAM to 16GB, X Plane provides a huge leap in authenticity. 

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1 hour ago, ericpearson said:

Finally, I did ask FTX Central to install GB North on my D drive and it did indeed download it to D. However, when it unpacked it, it did so to C. I will now have to move the files and do another set of symbolic links, which incidentally need to be made to each of the Orbx folders, not just "the Orbx folder" as posted.




you cannot ask FTX Central to install the files to a specific location.

It will only install the files to the custom scenery folder or the location stored

in C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\x-plane_install_11.txt.


You can choose where the installer is to run, as you did.


The symbolic link topic refers to an installation into FSX or P3D whre there is only an ORBX folder.

It was hoped that customers would be able to adapt the guide to suit the X Plane 11 file structure.



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Hi Nick,


With his local knowledge Eric had reported a number of specific issues with TE GB North, namely non-existent pylons and incorrect churches in Shetland. I too have a number of similar comments regarding the areas I know. Rather than these useful comments being scattered throughout the forum, is there / could there be, a proper formal way of reporting such anomalies to ORBX for correction please?




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I can't comment on the churches, except to say that sometimes I see a church where there should be a chapel,

in my own village for example. I don't think a distinction can be made between different types of religious buildings.


The power line question has been answered.

The answer is that the models used are a bit too large, however, they are placed wherever there are power lines on poles.

Certainly around Sumburgh, there are hundreds of them in real life, wooden poles carrying power to most buildings.

A visit to Google street view will show that.


The developer is aware of this, perhaps in future, there will be a smaller model made, so that they are not so conspicuous.


Have a look here.



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Thanks Nick,


I'm well aware of the electricity poles around Shetland; I was brought up there !  It seems to be just on the island of Bressay (opposite Lerwick) and up the hill to the north out of Lerwick where huge pylons appear where small poles should be. they seem to stretch as far as Tingwall airport and the rest of the islands are fine.


As to churches, I don't think it's so much about the regional design but whether a large 3d structure should be placed where a small chapel exists (Wales will have the same problem except where cathedrals appear). As an example, I just flew into the remote island of Foula off the west coast of Shetland, and there they have placed a large brick church with a tower which is totally out of place. the small white building which appears a bit further away is, I think, the actual small chapel.


I've also just flown all the way around Shetland and over to Mull from Fife via Perth.  The overall scenery is tremendous and from 1500 to 2000 feet the 3D buildings look ok in most places. Somehow, however, the villages of Somerset come out even better in the South region. 


I've just checked a take off from Sumburgh with the Orbx airport in FSX. The airport is superb but the landscape in TEGB is truly a quantum jump in reality. Now I have to buy Sumburgh for X Plane (and Popham where I have flown many times).


Best regards




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