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Asus XG32VQ ROG Strix anyone ?


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Guest Colin M

I had to google what it was, looks like a nice monitor, not going to try convince you to buy better or worse, only you know whats best for your needs

If its a big jump from your last monitor, go for it, enjoy.

Seems to be a few decent reviews on it, go for it ...


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Some aspects: it is a freesync monitor. Since nVIDIA made it possible for the newest two GPU generations to also work together with some freesync monitors, chances are there that you will be able to use freesync even with a nVIDIA graphics card. A list of all currently supported freesync monitors you can find here (it will be expanded constantly): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/products/g-sync-monitors/specs/

However, as I am a GSYNC monitor user, I have to admit that for P3D, I specifically turned off GSYNC for P3D, as on my monitor, GSYNC only works from 30FPS onwards and my FPS cutoff is at 30FPS. Means: I can not use GSYNC for P3D unless I would configure P3D as such that more than 30FPS are reached and I do not want to turn down the settings that much. Freesync is even "worse", as most of the freesync monitors only work from 48FPS upwards, means you would need your P3D configured as such that you get 48FPS or more...

Then, be aware that big jumps in resolution need to be covered somehow. If you now struggle to get 30FPS with a FullHD monitor, you will even struggle more to have reasonable FPS when going to 2560x1440. Otherwise, those 144Hz monitors are a dream for gaming. Never going back to 60Hz once you played with 144Hz (not talking about P3D, but about other games I play).


Verdict: all together, the monitor is for sure a great gaming monitor and chances are there that freesync will work with nVIDIA. BUT: if you use the monitor only for P3D, you might be better off with a variant not offering freesync or GSYNC, such monitors will also be cheaper.

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