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Install PNW on second drive


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G'day all. I am about to purchase and download PNW. I have two 250gb SSD's on my FS machine. FS currently occupies about 134gb on my primary C drive. How do I go about loading PNW onto the second SSD so that it will be recognised by FSX? Thanks, Mac

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G'day Tim,

I was afraid you would say that. It seems just about all additional software and scenery for FSX needs the same installation. There is therefore the possibility that some people including me will reach the upper limit of additional scenery that can be installed.

Perhaps the Orbx technical geniuses may need to address this point, down the track before HD capacity starts restricting sales volume.


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Mac ... if you have FSX on a second drive it is a fairly easy process to slot in a new drive, copy the contents across, and then pull the old drive and reassign the drive letter.

In my case I recently rebuilt the RAID array onto a dedicated ADAPTEC card, using (more-or-less) this procedure.

It is a nightmare having bits and pieces of the FSX installation here and there, unfortunately.

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Thanks Ian.

I do have two SSD's one currently empty and still 140gb of space on the primary drive. I had originally planned that my primary drive was to be a 500gb SSD but got fed up with waiting.

I do have enough room for PNW on the primary of course but can see the day when the wonderful world of Orbx will overwhelm the 250gb drive. I think the trick, as I think you are indicating, would have been to do the original install on the second SSD. The trap in that case is that all installs of Simobjects and Scenery will automatically go to the primary "C" drive unless otherwise directed.

Cheers, Mac

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If I understand the issue correctly  simply copy the entire contents of your  Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X  and ALL its dependants  to the SSD you want it on and edit the registry entry so your OS knows where it is.

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You understand quite correctly, thank you Maurice. May I impose on you one more time to tell me how to edit the Registry please. That place scares me to death .. Then I will have the space currently taken by the OpSys in credit on the second drive.

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