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Weird Ground Textures - Night - Europe (at least) P3Dv4.4

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Hi ORBX Team,


I trust that you are doing fine.


I've installed some weeks ago ORBX Global Trees in P3D v4.4 - and after doing that, I've experienced many weird ground textures, specially at Night (most visible) but also wrong textures during daylight - as per the attached images - taken while performing some virtual flights through Europe in northern's winter season - and even in Spring - the textures will go crazy.

The fact is that only after uninstalling everything ORBX related and re-installing P3D, I can get the ground textures right. As soon as FTX is run again, with Orbx Libraries installed, the textures go mad once again. I've searched and googled through the web but I couldn't find a similar case to mine's. 


Do you have any proper solution or patch? For the moment being, I've uninstalled everything and running P3D accordingly.

Thank you so much in advance and have a nice week!

Rafael A. Reca

Buenos Aires, Argentina


PS: BTW - I used to have FTX Global installed as well, I have to uninstall due to the textures showing "Winter/Summer Textures" and textures that were applied incorrectly in areas where it shouldn't - like a green Amazonian texture at Patagonia - around RGL area - too disappointing... :(






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Did you have some cases like this before? 

I'm looking to buy LOWI - taking advantage of the nice SALE - but I'm afraid I will have this issue and end up uninstalling it.

I'm still looking for your feedback.

Thank you"!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Doug,

Thank you so much. Perfectly noted. I will try your suggestion later on - crossing fingers to get everything sorted out and working. FIrst, I will update to 4.5 and check your instruction later.

Warm regards,

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