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P3D 4.5 NA LC strange ground objects

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When flying above at high altitude over NA LC I notice strange white tower structures that appear randomly and very frequently around towns and cities on water and ground textures - never seen them before when using 4.4  Any ideas what this could be?  Many thanks in advance


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I have (in V4.5) what looks like a metal bar parallel to the ground near Canberra probably in the boundary of the city scenery area near the Murrumbidgee River. Only shows when in a jet up high. I went to look for it in a prop down low and could not see it. Just put it down to a glitch but interesting these little things happening.

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Hi Bernie, thanks for the reply. Like you, I would be ok with a couple of random objects here and there,  but this is now very noticeable. In many areas of NA I’m may be having 10-15 of these strange white towers clustered together and some positioned over rivers and default runways - something is definitely not right :-(

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