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No PAPI lights at EHRD caused by TrueEarth NL

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I am running the following

  1. Prepar3dV4.4
  2. FlyTampa Amsterdam
  3. FTX Central v3.3.6.0
  4. ORBX  Global Base pack
  5. ORBX openLC Europe
  6. ORBX  Global Trees HD
  7. ORBX Global Vector
  8. ORBX Global lights configurator
  9. ORBX Libraries
  10. ORBX TrueEarth Netherlands HD


FTX Central reports al the addons are fine on verifing.


At EHAM the PAPI Lights are working very well.

At EHRD I can not see the PAPI Lights on approach.


If I uncheck all the TrueEarth Files in the scenery menu of Prepar3d the PAPI lights become vissable.


What could be the problem here? Thank you for replying,


Kind regards, Leo



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I narrowed down the problem a little bit:


When TrueEarth Netherlands HD all files are active exept FTX_EU_!NLD-05-SCENERY than the PAPI Lights can be seen. If I check FTX_EU_!NLD-05-SCENERY also than the PAPI lights are gone.


Perhaps this helps.


Kind regards, Leo



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Hi Nick,

Thank you for responding.

I do not have a simular view as you present in your nice screenshot. I am missing all the buildings at the airport EHRD too.  So I think TENL did not istall correctly, however FTX central is reporting that the files are oke.

What do I have to do ? What is the best way to start troubleshoot?




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Hi Nick,

I have verified the files for TENL (ans all others too) a few times, Every time at the end off verifing TENL starts a download from about 40 mb. After finishing the download the app is saying product up to date.... Could it be that this update is not saved? Problem still exist by the way.



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Can not get is to work, verified files, reinstalled the product, updated Prepar3d to 4.5 nothing works.

See below my screenshot. There is al lot missing at EHRD



Schermafbeelding 2019-04-22 om 23.27.53.png

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Hi Bert,

Thank you very much for your response. I was already thinking I was missing something. The  strange thing is that when I am using the settings of this map the aircraft is aligning  to EHVB....




I still believe I am still missing something..


Looking forward to your response



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Hi Leo,


I made a flight from runway 24 EHAM to runway 24 EHVB (Valkenburg Navy) and then set the heading  for a landing on runway 24 EHRD  (Rotterdam airport).

On runway 24 EHAM I set NAV 1:  frequentie  110.9 and 239 (heading 24 EHVB). After take off when the ILS came alive I made a nice ILS approach and landing on runway 24 from  …....……EHVB :). After take off from EHVB   turned to RR NDB (404.5) for a ILS approach and landing on runway 24 EHRD. I set in NAV 1 :  frequentie  108.3 and 239 (heading 24 EHRD). I intercept the ILS  24 Rotterdam and there I was on the runway EHRD.


The frequenties in the sim are not the same as you can find in the AIS-Netherlands or on the Jeppesen charts in your EHRD.pdf download.:banghead:

In the real world the frequentie for ILS runway 24 EHRD is:  110.9. In FSX and P3D the frequenties are:  EHVB  (Valkenburg closed in 2006) still :  110.9 and for EHRD :  108.3  .

(I have a Jeppesen chart from oct 4 1996 and there the frequntie for ILS 24 EHRD is.....108.3)

After closing Valkenburg in 2006 they changed the 110.9 from Valkenburg to Rotterdam.

When you set in your NAV1:  108.3 and after take off from EHAM you fly to RR  NDB (404.5) you can made a ILS approach on runway 24 EHRD.^_^  and can enjoy the scenery.  







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Hello Bert,
Thank you for your very valuable information. I thought I was stupid and could not find where things went wrong. Of course I am also not a professional pilot. What I understand about you is that in the SIM (I am using Prepar3d V4.5) the frequency does not match reality. I followed your advice and I made a nice flight to EHRD. That went fantastic. Thanks again for your helpfulness and you helped me a lot with it.

Thank you Bert




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