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L-35 Performance in P3DV4.5

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Hello , I just finished the Installation of Prepar3DV4.5 . Eventhough everything went Perfect ( I Updated Client , Content and Scenery ) , I am Not Satisfied with the Performance !!! 

I tried to fly In L-35 Big Bear airport in South California Region and the frames from 50 - 60 in P3DV4.4 dropped to 20-28 in P3DV4.5 !!!

The Same with 11S ( In PNW ) from 45-60 Now the frames dropped down to 25-35 !

Any Idea What is going On ?

I searched through the forums but I did Not find any Solution up to Now !

Thank you ,


P.S. Just Did Another Flight from KBLU to KTVL ! I did exactly the same flight last week and I had frames from 40 Up to 65 ! Today I did exactly the same flight and my frames were from 22 up to 38 !

Something is definitely Wrong :(



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18 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Mike,

Orbx do not provide support for any of the simulators.

If you make your search at the P3D forums, you may have some success.

Here is one topic from these forums on the same subject.



Thanks for your reply Nick ! I appreciate it .

I will go ahead and check if I find any Solution !


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