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No products listed in the library

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First-- this is my first try at a forum after looking at them for years. I had a hardware failure and started from scratch. I had to install all the programs, I lost everything. Backup was useless. P3Dv4 and Prosim v2 work fine. I have NO ORBX files and they are not listed in the library of ORBX. I have downloaded FTX Central 3 and it runs. How do I get the 3 products to show in the library? I need to download all of it. I have used ORBX for 1.5 years with no trouble now I have to start fresh and my knowledge of scenery is zilch.. I am an old man with a big problem to me. Thanks for any help.



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Thanks NIck. I will print it out and study what I need to do. I seem to make mistakes if I hurry. I appreciate this.


I have most of the products downloaded and installed, one to go. Now if I understood all I read about order of scenery, LC, terrain, etc. There seems to be several opinions on this. I know it does make a difference because I had something out of order a long time ago and when I moved it, wow, what a better scene I had. If you could point me in a direction for that I would be very happy. Does ORBX try to put the layers in the right order? Thanks again, Nick.





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Hello Nick,

This is the error I get when starting P3Dv4. I probably should have not put this here. Everything worked so well with your help on the install of ORBX and then this happens. Never have seen this error before. Sorry if I am not following the rules.


Regards, Skideroo


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Well, no help. I have to say that after 3 hours of downloading the ORBX Global, LC, Vectors, & Trees the data was not installed where P3Dv4 found it so I have the data in a directory on the hard drive that is useless. ORBX Central 3 DOES NOT install the files correctly so I am out money for a product that won't work with P3Dv4.



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Hello Nick,

This is the error I get when starting P3Dv4. I probably should have not put this here. Everything worked so well with your help on the install of ORBX and then this happens. Never have seen this error before. Sorry if I am not following the rules.


Regards, Skideroo




Hello Nick,

The files were not the problem it was the scenery.cfg had no ORBX entries. I found the old scenery.cfg on the old hard drive and renamed the new scenery.cfg and then copied the old scenery.cfg in place. Restarted P3Dv4 and there were all the ORBX files. Why FTX Central 3 doesn't install the ORBX files correctly I don't understand. I did not have to do this when I installed the ORBX files when I bought them. FTX Central 3 did do the download, extraction and then displayed installing but nothing was in the scenery.cfg for ORBX. Anyway after I did copy the old file from the old drive I had the scenery as it was before the failure of the PC. This is something that is not shown anywhere and after reading many forums I realized that scenery.cfg was where I needed the ORBX files to be placed, so I used the old scenery.cfg, less chance of typo that way. Thanks.




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Hello Nick,

The files were not the problem it was the scenery.cfg had no ORBX entries. I found the old scenery.cfg on the old hard drive and renamed the new scenery.cfg and then copied the old scenery.cfg in place. Restarted P3Dv4 and there were all the ORBX files. Why FTX Central 3 doesn't install the ORBX files correctly I don't understand. I did not have to do this when I installed the ORBX files when I bought them. FTX Central 3 did do the download, extraction and then displayed installing but nothing was in the scenery.cfg for ORBX. Anyway after I did copy the old file from the old drive I had the scenery as it was before the failure of the PC. This is something that is not shown anywhere and after reading many forums I realized that scenery.cfg was where I needed the ORBX files to be placed, so I used the old scenery.cfg, less chance of typo that way. Thanks.




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