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Issue with OpenLC Mesh South America


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I have Prepar3D V4 installed with Ftx Global and Vector and Land Classes. 


I recently bought OpenLC South America and it really improved the scenery around Rio De Janeiro epscially in regards to see the cable car line on sugar loaf mountain and the placement of beaches and Christ the Redeemer.


The orbx website recommended the install of freeware Open LC Mesh South America to go along side, which i did.

 However this has messed up the appearance of Rio de janeiro, the Christ staue is now hanging off the mountain, cable car line has vanished, thee are random misplaced mounds of lan in the city and misplaced building in the sea.


I could not see an entry in the scenery library to deactivate the mesh and i'm reluctant to uninstall the mesh through FTX central just it case it causes start up error when running the sim.


Any ideas, dont really want to do  full reinstall as all my orbx scenery must be 150gb!

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The files are added to that folder but there are OLC SA files in there too, so it can't be disabled in the scenery library.

Please just create a new folder in there, name it "Files off" or whatever you choose and move the mesh files into it.

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