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XP11 Freezes When loading flight in any TEGB (N,C and S)

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Hi all. I've owned TEGB for some time now and had many wonderful scenic flights all over GB. But just recently it won't load in XP11.32 (not beta). I've tried verifying all GB files and have disabled each region one at a time to see which one is causing this issue. But no luck. I haven't changed anything in my system other than a windows 10 update a couple of weeks ago. I did notice a general drop in FPS for most areas (mainly US west and my GlobalArt sceneries). All of the airports load fine without TE but as soon as I enable any of the TE regions my sim freezes when loading the flight. My scenery.ini file is in the right order and as mentioned, this just started to happen without any changes to the sim. Any tips or troubleshooting would be most appreciated.



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