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Transferring True Earth to New Computer Build


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I’m building a new computer and am wondering what the best way to get my ORBX files to it.  I’m reformatting my SSD (which is where my ORBX files currently are) from scratch, but I do have a larger Hard Drive I could transfer them to temporarily.  Is there a reasonable procedure to transfer them to my HDD, then transfer them back to the reformatted SSD after I reinstall XPlane or will this confuse FTX Central and I should just delete everything and redownload it.


I’ve got True Earth GB South, Central, and North for XPlane and True Earth Netherlands for AeroFly 2.


Also is there some sort of activation/deactivation procedure I should be running before the transfer?

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If your new computer will be windows based, I strongly advise that you install the OS on one drive and X-Plane on another.


SSD drives are relatively cheap now and more reliable than mechanical drives.


As X-plane is self contained you can simply copy the installation from the old drive to a new one. I don't have any experience with AeroFly 2, sorry



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