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I have Global Open Land Class Europe and all the EU regional areas installed with no frame rate problems. I have  Netherlands True Earth installed , with no issues. I am using the latest version of P3Dv4 and recently purchased True Earth GB South and now have a major slide show on my hands. Why no issues with the Netherlands and the slide show with GB South? Is it a compatibility problem with the enhanced GB sceneries? 

 The download took so lang to get downloaded and installed I think that it would be nice to have the ability to disable the scenery and use the lower resolution England scenery, when I am flying in IFR conditions with frame rate hungry aircraft, being able to re-activate the scenery for slower, less hungry aircraft, when flying VFR.

 Surely this is only a config issue and could be activated by FTX Central or Global Vector. I was looking forward to the rest of GB being produced as True Earth, but will now hold back because of the above. The issue is not being able to disable the scenery without having to delete, download and re-install it. all very time consuming.

 I used to use a lot of photo real sceneries and never had this problem. The issue with those was at low level there was no 3d height effect.

 Any assistance would be appreciated.

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4 minutes ago, BILL1948 said:

The issue is not being able to disable the scenery without having to delete, download and re-install it. all very time consuming.



welcome to the forums.

You can disable the TEGB scenery by simply unticking the four FTX_EU_!GBS scenery library entries

in your in game scenery library.

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Thank you for that. Does that mean that if I want to fly over the whole of England, using both sceneries, that I have to put up with the slide show? I had no issues with Netherlands True Earth and your enhanced European scenery, using the settings that are recommended by yourselves. I can only assume that the issue will not be resolved until the second part of England is released, enabling me to delete the EU England package, and I assume that the same will app[y to Wales and Scotland when released. Any chance of a discount for purchasers of the "older" sceneries?

Basically you are saying that to use the England True Earth scenery I have to disable the EU England one and put up with the reduced detail to the north, thus eliminating the reason the scenery was purchased in the first place?

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My answers to the questions you have asked so far are:


Question: The issue is not being able to disable the scenery without having to delete, download and re-install it. all very time consuming.

Answer: You can disable the TEGB scenery by simply unticking the four FTX_EU_!GBS scenery library entries

in your in game scenery library. This is the case for any scenery addon to the default scenery library.


Question: Does that mean that if I want to fly over the whole of England, using both sceneries, that I have to put up with the slide show?

Answer: You should not affect the performance by having both products active. Where there is TEGB coverage, EU England is excluded.

You can adjust your in-game sliders to reduce the load on your PC.

There is a control panel in preparation that it has been admitted should have been included in the release of TEGB South for P3D v4.

This should allow the tuning of the product to satisfy the requirements of every customer.

It should be released soon.


Question: Any chance of a discount for purchasers of the "older" sceneries?

Answer: No


Your comment: I can only assume that the issue will not be resolved until the second part of England is released, enabling me to delete the EU England package, and I assume that the same will app[y to Wales and Scotland when released.

My answer: Your assumptions are not correct.


Your comment: Basically you are saying that to use the England True Earth scenery I have to disable the EU England one and put up with the reduced detail to the north, thus eliminating the reason the scenery was purchased in the first place? 


My answer: How you can interpret




welcome to the forums.

You can disable the TEGB scenery by simply unticking the four FTX_EU_!GBS scenery library entries

in your in game scenery library.






Basically you are saying that to use the England True Earth scenery I have to disable the EU England one and put up with the reduced detail to the north, thus eliminating the reason the scenery was purchased in the first place? 


is frankly beyond me.


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