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Low Frames in TAP/APYP Bush strip areas


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Starting flying in the bush again near TAP and AYPY and I feel like there is a library object that is causing a huge hit to frames. When flying in the area but outside of the bush strips draw area, everything is fine but once I get near a bush strip its almost a slide show for the whole time. This is in P3Dv4.4. I dont remember having this issue when these addons were first released. Anyone else having this issue? Is there a known bug or fix to what I am seeing? Thanks for any replies in helping address this issue.

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18 hours ago, Tim Harris said:

Are you running anything non standard like p3d.cfg tweaks, etc? 

Hi Tim,

No tweaks. A rather clean install. Its just weird that the sim runs almost like a slide show near the villages but not outside of them as this really isnt demanding scenery and I cant remember it acting like this when i first got it years ago. I guess it is what it is then and will see what becomes but I appreciate your reply to let me know at least there isnt a known issue or fix.


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Hi again, I'll keep an eye on it, if there's anything obvious we'll certainly nip it in the bud


The bushstrips along the Kokoda track are quite close to one another I wonder if the increased display radius has something to do with it?, its the major change with 4.4

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