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KSAN - Terrain Issues with SOCAL


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I recently updated KSAN to V2.20 and noticed in the control panel that under set FTX mode, neither OLC or SOCAL is selected. If I select either one, as soon as I close and re-open the control panel the setting does not save.


In the sim, I am getting some wonky terrain issues going on (see the images). I am suspecting that upon selecting FTX mode SOCAL FTXCentral would normally configure all the files appropriately and sort this out, but for some reason it isn't. I tried manually turning BGL files on and off in the scenery folder for KSAN to no avail. Removing SOCAL eliminates the wonky terrain (see the images).


Any ideas?





2019-2-21_22-35-1-900.thumb.jpg.4c5cadcc5f806a1edc86b42b7efefb3f.jpgKSAN Control Panel.png

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I have the same issue with the control panel as Teetonka. I have uninstalled/reinstalled through a couple of updates, including v2.20 and the problem still exists. I'm not seeing the same terrain issues that Teetonka is seeing, though, but the issue of the control panel opening with neither selection ticked is an issue that I continue to see.


This brings up a point for clarification: If I have FTX Southern California, and FTX Global, and OpenLC NA all installed, which mode to I select? Logically, with both FTX Southern California Mode and FTX Global and OpenLC NA Mode conditions being met (both statements are true), I would choose both, but this is not an option. Which mode takes priority? I have always guessed that it would be FTX Southern California Mode, but I really have no basis for this guess. Any thoughts?




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Hi James


I would do a complete uninstall via FTXC3, then do search for any possible leftover Orbx KSAN files that may need to be manually deleted, then reinstall and the control panel should work.



In the case of having FTX Southern California, and FTX Global, and OpenLC NA all installed, as I do as well, I would choose the FTX Southern California region.


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