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Airport elevation changed?


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I've recently installed P3D v. 4.4, as well as the Global Base, Vector, and NA openLC.  Last week I used the airport at St. Thomas (TIST) with no difficulty.  Yesterday, I loaded the saved takeoff from TIST, and found my plane on a steep upward slope: when I released the brake, it slid backwards into the sea ("SPLASH!").  What gives? 


In the Vector configuration utility, TIST is not listed as either "Enabled" or "Disabled."  How can something be neither?  But in any case, there's no way to experiment by changing the status of TIST.


I've searched this forum, and see there was an issue involving a scenery add-on, but I haven't done anything like that.  And why would the elevation of an airport change from one day to the next?


Bottom line:  How can I get TIST to function again?




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Thanks for your attention.

I can find no such folder in my PC.  I have an ORBX folder, of course, but no FTX_VECTOR\ in it (or anywhere else)..

I am not using any add-on other than the Orbx stuff.

Also, as I said, it worked OK last week.  I admit I might have disremembered when I installed OpenLC NA.  If so, maybe that installation screwed things up.




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