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London - areas missing


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I've redownloaded my xplane, including all the plugins and scenery, that includes TrueEarth South.  Most of the country looks good with all the houses and buildings however, in London - central London has the orbx buildings but loads of missing xplane buildings. See screenshot.  I ran the FTX Central and verified my files and made sure the library is up to date.  When I ran a check on the south files it downloaded some more. (is that the new library being used?) I then noticed parts of London had returned, but when I turned my camera around to view other areas of London there are still large areas of London that are missing.  What is the issue?  Is TrueEarth blocking Xplane buildings? I've enclosed the photo plus my scenery ini list.





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Extra note.. I've tried to tick either one of the boxes, default roads or transparent roads, but the yellow tick doesn't stay in place and no matter what I choose the sim looks the same.  Is there an issue with the whole download of Orbx? I don't even have cars running in London, but other ares of the country I have houses and cars. And the default roads.

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18 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

It seems likely that your installation may not have gone well.

here is a topic that should help you.





I've gone with the idea of reinstalling everything again, including Xplane.  So I've done that with just the default Xplane and London looks perfect, all the houses correct. So now I'll start introducing all my various scenery addons.. one by one.. and see what happens.. I'll start with orbx south... wish me luck!



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Ive reinstalled both Xplane and Orbx south.  London looks full again with buildings.. so thats good! :)


One issue though that I can't remember if it was the same when I had Xplane working fine before is the default road settings in London.  I turned it on and this is what I get in London.. the roads going under the mesh.. I've also got trains and cars going over the Thames with no bridge.... is this normal?










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