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Issue dates

John York

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This may have been suggested before but I haven't seen it.

Would it be possible please to put 'issue' dates beside both your payware and freeware downloads?

The reason I'm asking is that with your growing product list it is quite often difficult for me to remember if I've got the product or not.  This was a particular problem with updating stuff to SP3 but also each time I visit the airports product page I'm left wondering; 'Do I have that?' and then have to search my files never quite certain if I'm missing it!  :-\

I know its probably old age, but there are a lot of us. ;D


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I quite like to know when a product is released as well, more possibly when it comes to aircraft TBH but I always think it's just a nice piece of extra info. Certainly with regards to aircraft I tend to like the more recent releases that may have been better optimised for use in FSX than some older products that have been little more than a FS9 port. With regards to Orbx scenery it almost make little difference to me now as I have all that is currently available.  ;D

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You already have the required information to check your downloads on your computer.

Just go to your Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\User Documents\Versions folder and you will see a complete list of all the Orbx products you have installed. Double click on the individual Text Documents for the version number and release date for each. This info can then be cross checked with the version number on the Orbx/FTX Payware and Freeware pages

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Well, that's more helpful Tim thank you.  I hadn't thought of that.  However, when I'm looking at the Orbx product page, I'm not really looking at my signature am I?  If we had a date, we'd know that if it's there in the last month or so we'd also know if we'd bought it or downloaded a freebee.

Never mind though.  I'm beginning to wish I'd never asked! ::)


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But then even if the date was listed, you'd still need to check against the date that you last bought/downloaded, so you're going to have to bring up another page/tab/scrap of paper anyhow.

I've lost count of the number of times I've bought the new issue of some magazine twice, absolutely convinced that I haven't already got it, only to get home and find it on top of the unread stack... (WH Smug really loves me  ::))

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It's quite easy, actually: if you don't know what you already have you definitely spent to little time with the things you have! GO SIMMING (or check your backups, where you hopefully store all the installation files in a safe place, preferrably with sub folders for each product accompanied with the registration details)!! ;)

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