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Sparkly runways and taxiways at ESSA at night.

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P3Dv4.4, when taxiing at ESSA at night in PMDG NGX, using the taxi and turnoff lights turns the taxiway/runway surface into what looks like black and white TV static/snow.   I've got an NVIDIA 1080i card.  So far this seems to be the only airport where I get this result.  


If anyone else has seen this and there's a fix for it I'd appreciate any tips.

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8 hours ago, TMetzinger said:

P3Dv4.4, when taxiing at ESSA at night in PMDG NGX, using the taxi and turnoff lights turns the taxiway/runway surface into what looks like black and white TV static/snow.   I've got an NVIDIA 1080i card.  So far this seems to be the only airport where I get this result.  


If anyone else has seen this and there's a fix for it I'd appreciate any tips.



It's a bug from our side. Depending on some different settings, especially Anti-Aliasing, it seems that it can have a quite nasty looking effect night time for some users.

We are releasing a patch to address this issue that is due to normal-maps being used, which looks awesome daytime but yeah not the best night time sometimes.

We will make this an option in the configtool.

In the meantime you can download a ground version without normal-maps. Just replace the one in your P3D/ORBX/FTX_GLOBAL/FTX_AA_ESSA_/Scenery folder with this one:



Let me know if you need further assistance,


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