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True Earth GB South for Pepar3d V4.4


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Hi All,

Well I have spent the last couple of days with this software and for the first time since buying ORBX I do not like it one bit. Up until I installed it I had no problems with the Sim and everything was smooth, framerates good even flying over London. I have a very high end machine or so I thought until I installed GB South the loading times are pathetic and small errors all over the place and sometimes the framerates take a huge dive. Luckily the software did not cost me a lot of money so I have not lost. 

I found out through using other flightsim forums that Lockheed (Prepar3d V4.4) have found a bug in the original Microsoft about loading speeds and of course Microsoft did not fix it. Accordingly it will be fixed in version 4.5 so until then I will not be purchasing anymore True Earth for Prepar3d and I have removed GB South till then from my computer. I love what ORBX have done with the sim and will still purchase but not any more True Earth  for Prepar3d for the moment.

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Hello Nick,

As to the problem I had with Southampton Airport with the two runways I decided to uninstall the last software which I installed and guess what I am back to the one runway and is looking good. The software I uninstalled was JF Global Flight which had been conflicting with the airport, this is still in Beta but have informed them as to the problem and will leave it off my system for the moment.

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Got even better news I am up and running TEGB just flew from Southampton to Portsmouth and back with frame rates between 15 and 30  the scenery is brilliant.

Just flight have been in touch  and they advised me to place their software under ORBX  in the scenery and that was the cause of my problems. So Nick once again thank you very much for your help. Now to try London later.

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