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ORBX GB South - Flattened runways? (XP11)


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Hello guys. 


All my runways in the GB South zone have been flattened (yes I have it checked to follow terrain in settings). I thought this might be a direct effect of the ortho tiles in the product but speaking to other people with True Earth GB South, they claim to have runways which are unaffected and still undulate with the terrain.


Is there any way to fix this? I followed all the steps with the installer and believe my scenery order is correct.


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@AJGibbo You need to be more specific about whether these are the default XP airports which are in TEGB or addons. Orbx have not added any airports in their TEGB, they are default XP ones. I think that what TonyWob was saying about not adding curvature relates to Orbx airport addons not TEGB defaults.  Have you tried EGHD like Tornado 16 has mentioned.

 Here are 2 pics from my copy of TEGB South with default airports EGHD and EGTP. Both are seriously not flat, more like ski jumps.




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Time for a bumpy landing. This was the approach to EGHD.


And on a side note, this is TEGB South running on X-Plane on an iMac with frame rates normally over 30, in fine weather admittedly, (except over London where it becomes rather a slo-mo fest due to the limitations of the Mac). So thank you Orbx for making realistic flying over the UK on a Mac a reality.





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