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TE south GB, missing scenery items


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I have installed TE south GB today, in P3Dv4, and have been trying it out to adjust my settings for acceptable performance, and in the process of doing that I have noticed when overflying London that Tower Bridge and the London Eye do not appear in the scenery.

Others do not seem to have this problem, so it must be me!

Could I have done something wrong during the installation?


Thanks for any clues!

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It may mean that you’ve got the scenery drawing order wrong.  I had a similar issue on GB TE South on XPlane 11 where Tower Bridge was getting replaced by a regular building.  There was a whole thread on it in the XPlane 11 support forum.  I don’t see anything off hand in the P3D forum yet, but it’s probably something very similar.  Try putting up a post in the support forum.  ORBX seems to be pretty good about replying to posts on the support forum and helping customers with technical issues.

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Thanks folks.

I have not done anything that I am aware of that could disable these items of scenery, but I will give everything a check over and try to work out what happened.

I will have a look at the xplane forum too!

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