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EGTR XP11 some objects float


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On 12 of january 2019 I bought the ORBX sceneries EGKA, EGSG and EGTR for X-Plane 11. On the same day I also updated X-Plane to version 11.30.

Yesterday I updated X-Plane to Version 11.31. Today I also ran the update for the ORBX Libraries in FTX Central - XP11. 


Today I discovered that various objects of the Elstreee (EGTR) scenery in X-Plane 11 are floating (elevated), e.g.:  hangers, fences, runway signs and the refuelling station and its objects (see the attached images). Some houses in this scenery are not floating. I uninstalled the EGTR scenery with FTX Central 3. I searched the ORBX forums. Found some similar problems reported but within sceneries for Prepar3D.

I do not own (yet) TrueEarth Great Britain South for X-Plane. I read the user manual for EGTR for X-Plane 11 which informs the user with a note for issues that can be experienced but these issues refer to objects outside, surrounding, the Elstree Aerodrome.

I don't remember if this problem with floating objects occurred immediately after the first install, under X-Plane 11.30.

The floating objects do occur now with X-Plane version 11.31.


Is there anyone that has a solution to this issue ?


Note for ORBX: Transaction ID: 5c3a4a36f232d.



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Hello Nick,

I am alleging nothing. I just reported what I see happening. I only have experienced that I bought and installed, in the same moment, the ORBX XP11 airport sceneries: EGKA, EGSG and EGTR. In this moment, under X-Plane v11.31, only EGTR shows floating objects. 


According to a discussion seen on: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/113130-how-to-roll-back-update/ 

It is not possible to perform a rollback unless one made a backup before, which I did not do.


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I found the answer. On the webpage of EGTR for X-Plane 11 it says under "Prerequisite products":  at least needed ORBX - Libraries X-Plane 11. 

As you can see in the screenshot I have the ORBX - Libraries X-Plane 11 installed (Version 1.55).



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Hello Nick,

Thank you for your assistance sofar.

As far as I understand, reading the user manual that came with the EGTR XP11 scenery product, anomalies can occur, but outside the aerodrome.


Yes, the only thing I can do is wait if there come an answer from the developer.


Anyway I am thinking buying the three TE sceneries for the UK. I already have the one for the NL (Prepar3D).


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