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***ORBX England Snowy Fields??***

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Hi All,


I have tested all my ORBX products and have found that the root cause of the snowy textures on the ground in England is ORBX England.


I have attached a screenshot so you can see. This is at EGLL (Heathrow) where it is evidently not snowing but ORBX England likes to think it is (or has)! 




Anyone know a fix? I have read somewhere that ORBX creates textures for seasons based on the time of the sim. E.g. if it's January then it will be hard winter.




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the simulator has a "hard winter" season which it was decided would mean snow covered.

If you add an airport that has a photo scenery background but not seasonal variation, you

will see what you are seeing, anywhere is the FSX/P3D world where there is a hard winter.


Another thing the simulator gives you is the ability to change the time, so the screen shot

can best illustrate a problem and the season, so that it does not have to be all white.


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