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treu earth versus region uk and ireland

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what will be the real benefit between this 2.

I understand that true earth is more in depth but I`m flying mostly ifr .

will the region necessary or is it useless when installing true earth.

And will true earth a bigger impact on the fps in p3d4 ??

now with global range and vector and UK and Ireland region, p3d4 runs about 25 fps with sliders full open.


kind regards

and advance thx for help


wil de boer


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the one is based on landclass scenery and is a representation of what is there in real life.

The other is based on photo scenery and is a picture of what was there in real life when the photograph was taken.


The choice is yours.

If you rarely look out of the window of your aircraft model at what is "below", then what is there is probably less

important to you than it would be to someone who flies scenic flights.

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