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Airport Bleed Through


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I apologize if this has been asked before...


With the news that KGEG Spokane International has been put on hold, I wanted to use a freeware airport (yea, I know) that better represents KGEG's layout/gates/building placement than the default. I installed the new files in the Addon Scenery - Scenery folders within P3d's folder, but am getting bleed-through from the default airport as shown below (please forgive the Rex Airport textures). I have tried to disable KGEG within the ORBX regions file (just by adding  "off" extension to the bgl's) and while that mostly works, it creates a major terrain-elevation issue that can't be corrected. I do have the Addon Scenery folder at the top of the P3d library. I would also note that I do have all of Orbx's land classes & regions for North America if that helps.


Is there any way to prevent the default Orbx KGEG from "bleeding" through? Thanks in advance!!!



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30 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Your screen shots do not show " a major terrain-elevation issue ".

There are three KGEG files in the NRM product, did you find and rename them all?

Yea...those previous pics were with everything "on" to just show the bleed-through and to just be able to ask the question with everything at "default." :) Below are the pics with all three Orbx files renamed with an ".off" extension that show the elevation issues as well as the freeware file with no bleed-through. I would also note that I found a fourth KGEG reference within the P3d\Scenery\World\scenery folder entitled "ADE_FTX_NRM_KGEG_elevation_adjustment.bgl". I have tried to rename this file as well with no effect...and to note, KGEG does not show up in Vector as either enabled or disabled.


Sorry, I should've noted this at the start...the freeware airport is for FSX (several years old). If I can't use it due to it being FSX, that's okay. Just wanted to see if there was a way to have the best of *most* worlds. ;) 




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13 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

It looks like the elevation adjustment file is still at work.

You could try restarting the simulator.

The other possibility is that there should be one with the

freeware airport.

Yea, I've always shut down the sim before making any changes to scenery/terrain/any other changes to P3D, then restarting...just to cut down on the possibility of new issues. The loading screens are PAINFUL! LOL


I found another file relating to KGEG named ABP_KGEG.bgl within the Orbx\FTX_VECTOR\FTX_VECTOR_APT\scenery folder. I tried renaming it and then removing it completely from the folder with no change. Also, I removed the ADE_FTX_NRM_KGEG_elevation_adjustment.bgl file from the World\scenery folder itself and funny thing, all runway signs returned to their normal locations but the overall terrain issues persist (just renaming it had no effect). I agree with you, the terrain issue lies within the freeware files themselves. Oh well, it was worth a shot. I will revert everything back to "default' and remove the freeware airport.


Thanks Nick for all of your assistance! It is GREATLY appreciated!!! :) 

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Just to provide a final update to this: Was able to finally get the freeware KGEG airport to work, with no terrain elevation issues within the airport itself (adjacent terrain is a different story, but not too noticeable) with only one remaining issue.


There are 5 Orbx files related to KGEG in the following folders:

    • FTX_NRM_objects_KGEG_PLC.bgl
    • ABP_KGEG.bgl
  • P3D\Scenery\World\scenery
    • ADE_FTX_NRM_KGEG_elevation_adjustment.bgl

When I first started this, I placed the freeware airport in the P3D\Addon Scenery folder as normal. This caused the bleed-through as described in the first post. I then renamed the three files in the FTX_NA_NRM05_SCENERY folder. That fixed the bleed-through issue, but resulted in the terrain issues shown in my second post. Next, I renamed then removed the "elevation adjustment" file in the World\scenery folder...that fixed the floating runway signs but not the terrain issues. There was no observable effect with renaming/removing the ABP_KGEG.bgl at all throughout any of the testing. So I returned everything back to its original state to start fresh, once again.


After spending more time testing, I found that by renaming just the ADE_FTX_NRM_KGEG_SPOKANE_Intl.bgl, FTX_NRM_objects_KGEG_PLC.bgl and the ADE_FTX_NRM_KGEG_elevation_adjustment.bgl files, it removed the bleed-through and left all terrain normal. Renaming or removing the CVX related .bgl created the terrain issues (gulleys/moats). The only issue I have left is the runway lights now float about 40' in the air while taxi/apron lights are completely fine (go figure). Otherwise, everything else works perfectly.


Not sure whether I'll keep the freeware airport or not since I do quite a bit of night flying and a 40' or so discrepancy between the lights and the ground will probably lead to some painful landings (have no idea how to even begin trying to fix them), LOL, and while the underlying issue does seem to be with the freeware airport itself...I just wanted to provide this info for others who may be having similar issues with addon airports that might help you with a fix. :) 


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  • 1 month later...

Thought I'd provide a final update to this "project." :) Everything now works perfectly. The issue ended up being the freeware airport's elevation. I used ADE to reset the freeware airport's elevation to the same as the Orbx default airport and all is now good.


Funny enough, here are the elevations for KGEG:


  • Orbx (and I would assume the default FSX) KGEG Elevation - 2,350'
  • Freeware KGEG's elevation - 2,371.996'
  • KGEG's real world elevation - 2,385' (LOL, sorry guys...had to list it.) ^-^

Still "turned off" the default Orbx files "ADE_FTX_NRM_KGEG_SPOKANE_Intl.bgl" and "FTX_NRM_objects_KGEG_PLC.bgl" to prevent the bleed through.


I cannot thank you enough Nick for all of your help!!!! Couldn't have done this without your suggestions!!!! ;)

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