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7S3 Elevation issues with P3Dv4.4


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I have a problem with 7S3 where there are holes around the runway and various hangars are below ground level. I have tried a lot of different settings and scenario load orders, but I seem to have elevation issues with all of them at 7S3. I am beginning to wonder if the issue is due to P3Dv4 compatibility.




The best I have been able to achieve is to use a very low mesh resolution (about 76 meters) to force the surrounding terrain to all be of the same level. However this low resolution would cause issues with other airports eg 2S1. I have tried reinstalling, checking through the forum, and setting the recommended mesh/textures resolution 5m/7cm as well as various other combinations of these. When I use different resolutions some of the hangars will return to ground level but the ones closer here do not. I have tried AEC as well, disabling and enabling - it works best OFF as otherwise the runway is walled in.


Attached is my scenery config.


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Hi, thanks :-)


Yes I have PNW installed. No I don't have that file, am I looking in the correct place? I have search the folder below manually as well as windows search through the P3D folder




My P3D folder is D:\P3Dv4\


Just noticed you are a fellow Yorkie! That makes two flight simmers here then haha.

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Hmmm, you gave me a clue and it's now fixed. I installed Airport Design Editor,  reduced the airport elevation by 5 meters, compiled it, had a look, all still wrong but different. Then repeated and restored the elevation back to original height, compiled it again, it's now correct! Effectively all I did was a compile. I'm happy.


In case anyone needs to do the same I followed these instructions:




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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the same problem with airport KNOW, which was a default aiport. There was no way I could Verify that I knew of, I repeated the above using ADE to open the file "D:\P3Dv4\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_PNW05_SCENERY\scenery\ADE_FTX_PNW_KNOW_Port_Angeles_Cgas.BGL" and adjust the aiport height by one millimeter (from 0.999 meters to 1.000) meters and compiled it which fixed it. I wonder if there is a wider problem with Orbx Pacific North West?

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Default Scenery and Default Terrain are the last two entries, in that order. "D:\P3Dv4\Scenery\World\scenery\KNOW_ADEP4_TKC_ALT.bgl" is the only file in scenery\world\scenery and the only file for *know* :- should there be others?


There are 3 files referencing KNOW in P3D:





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