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Mysterious aircraft crashes

John York

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I have just tried to take off from both Tamworh's and also Archerfield and find there's no way I can taxi for less than a yard before the aircraft crashes into an objetc that's simply not there!

This is happening with both the Dodo and the Piper.

If anyone has any idea or can point me in the right direction to correct this problem I will be very obliged.

Many thanks.


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John, its never adviseable to fly helicopters with crash detection on, the "invisible boxes" that house the object are usually a lot bigger than the object therefore you crash into objects from even getting remotely close to them.  It is unfortunately not a perfect system.

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That's a relief Ryan.  I thought my system had gone wonky!  Now I come to think of it, the Piper was parked under one of these canvas shelter thingy's at Archerfield with quite a few AI and statics around it.  The AI's seemed to have no trouble at all so it was probably hitting a support post.

I'll have another go later on.

Thanks Ryan.


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