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P3D Opens Up Briefly When I Launch X Plane After Disabling and Re enabling ORBX Libraries in P3D


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Here's a weird one

I disabled ORBX libraries in P3Dv4 to try to get Orlando Cityscene to load ok. When that failed I re enabled ORBX libraries in P3Dv4 and thought I'd fly with X Plane 11 for a while.  I launched X Plane 11 to have a fly and P3D briefly opened up with a screen saying generating file indexes and then closed while X Plane loaded normally! This is a curly one . Anyone care to help? It all seems to have happened after installing Orlando Cityscape. I've uninstalled Orlando an the problem is persisting. What has P3D got to do with X Plane?


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Further to my previous post regarding X Plane and P3D. I loaded P3D and received the X Plane update page before P3D launched without touching X Plane launcher. I'm going crazy here. It's all happened since my Orlando install and I disabled  ORBX libs in P3D. How can P3D and X Plane act together in some way? Please help as I'm tearing my hair out.

Thanks again


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I have merged your two topics.

If you are using Windows 8 or 10, it is possible to merge two start menu items.

I have never tried the effect but have had to separate them when accidentally merged.

Other than that, I am sure that your problem has nothing at all to do with Orbx, P3D or X Plane 11


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Hi Nick


My problems began after the installation of Orlando, disabling ORBX Libraries and subsequent uninstallation of Orlando. Today I re installed Orlando and the problem has resolved. So I still believe Orlando is at fault somehow. 

Many Thanks again

Have a great 2019



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