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FTX England Scenery Corrupted


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Below is a screenshot at about 2500 feet on approach to Heathrow RW27L. It is noted the scenery is patchy and is mismatched in a number of areas.


What is the cause of this and how do you rectify it? I have Orbx LC Global Base and FTX England installed. Settings in P3D v4.4 are quite high.



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26 minutes ago, John Dow said:

Ummmm what's corrupted?  Could you be more specific?



Note the brighter green patch at the bottom in the middle just left of the River Thames. It does not blend in with the patches adjacent to it. Note also that the surrounding patches consist of high-density housing whereas the patch in the middle at the bottom is sparser in buildings and overall much greener. There is no continuity in housing and road layout between this patch and the adjacent areas.


It looks as if the scenery is patchy and does not blend in with adjacent areas in terms of continuity of road systems/housing/open countryside.

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Well I think what you're seeing is the FTX scenery.  The landclass scenery divides the ground up into blocks of scenery types, such as houses,  parks, industrial, golf courses etc.


The light green area is Hurlingham Park.  Unfortunately it's not possible to match up features such as roads between scenery blocks.  The scenery is just a representation of the land use types that you will see in a given area, and is the way FSX and P3D have been developed to provide scenery across entire countries that only uses a minimum of disk space and resources.


If you require scenery that is more accurate the True Earth England scenery is currently in beta testing and there are literally hundreds of screenshots in the preview forum.



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Many thanks for your reply and the explanation given for the observed effects.


One further thing I have noted is that, if observed externally on e.g. landing, there reaches a point where the scenery starts to lose its sharpness and becomes increasingly more blurry as the aircraft approaches the runway. Is this an expected result with Orbx scenery, or are there other factors governing the hardware or P3D itself which determine just how sharp the scenery is and whether or not any loading-in of scenery detail can be handled by the hardware itself?

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Yes.  Entirely depends on your system's capabilities and scenery settings and the aircraft used.


There are reams of topics here and via a google search that you can refer to to assess the best options for your individual setup.

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