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P3Dv4.4:ORBX reinstall with P3Dv4.4

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i must desinstall P3DV4.3 and proceed to a full install P3Dv4.4.

I use global base pack, global LC europe, global north america, global trees, global vector, airport pack, openLC mesh south america and orbx libraries. Is it necessary to desinstall all those parts of ORBX, and proceed to a full reinstall ?

thanks for yours replies. Michel

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Thanks for your reply. If i understand i don't delete the P3DV.4 folder,  i only desinstall the four programs ( academic, academic client, content and scenery and i proceed to a full install of P3DV4.4 ? I delete or desinstall Globase Base HD trees before ? or i run over the existing folders. ?


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