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FTX Scotland Seasons


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HI i have REcently bought ftx scotland and loaded a flight into egph edinurgh and i love the scenery however when i fly in autumn i dont see any autumn textures such as tree coulours and ground colurs, however to the north of edinburgh above the firth of forth i see autumn textures and orange trees but anything below that i see spring/summer textures. winter works fine but autumn doesnt. I have uk2000 edinburgh installed but its not colliding with ftx as i uninstalled but stil;l had no autumn textures? anyone have an idea on what i could do? 


Order number/Transaction id: 5c1d74aaefa70


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Hi there,


seasonal variations in landclass-based products like FTX Scotland are not defined by what the calendar says (or the rather useless season "selection" menu) but rather by month, latitude, and elevation. For a table of how that translates to the FTX GB regions see https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/55611-seasons-in-ftx-eu-eng/?do=findComment&comment=497439


Cheers, Holger


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16 hours ago, Holger Sandmann said:

Hi there,


seasonal variations in landclass-based products like FTX Scotland are not defined by what the calendar says (or the rather useless season "selection" menu) but rather by month, latitude, and elevation. For a table of how that translates to the FTX GB regions see https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/55611-seasons-in-ftx-eu-eng/?do=findComment&comment=497439


Cheers, Holger


great it worked thank you!!!

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