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Cant remove Brown Water or change it

Craig Hanley

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Not sure if I've posted in the right place, but here it is anyway.

I have the FTX brown water installed , as well as REX2, but ever since I re built my pc several months ago i cant seem to remove the brown water from every inland waterway, and I mean every. On a recent multiplayer flight , even the lakes on the other guys pc, were blue, but mine was brown. It just seems to blend into the rest of the scenery, and from what I can remember, it wasn't that brown before.

Examples of what I mean is below.

Posted Image

[img width=1160 height=538]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1265651668.jpg

[img width=1160 height=460]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1265720890.jpg

I have tried getting rid of the brown inland water to no avail, and even re installing it, but with the same results. As I said, this has been happening since Dec, but I havnt known how to fix it. I remember it was better on my old install, but not as extreme as this. Not sure if its a FSX, FTX or a REX issue.

I would like some feedback on fixing this if any one can help.



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Hi Craig,

If you installed JV's brown water file and wish to remove it look here: http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=3030.0

If you have coloured your water with REX and wish to undo it, then just set the water colour palette back to normal in the REX themes settings

Other than that I don't know



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Hi Tim,

Yeah I have removed it, with no change, and then re installed it, again with no change.

I will try re setting the colour in REX. It doesnt give you an option for inland water I dont think. It just says inland brown...I'lll post back in a min

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Guest J van E

I will try re setting the colour in REX. It doesnt give you an option for inland water I dont think. It just says inland brown...I'lll post back in a min

REX gives you two options for inland water: inland blue and inland brown.

But there might be another reason for your problem that may be overlooked: did you by any change use FS Water Configurator at some time? If so, run it once more and select FSX defaults and see what happens. AFAIK re-installing textures won't get rid of changes made with FSWC.

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