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Helpful hint - be carefull migrating from NV to ATI GPU


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I got a good price for an XFX ATI5850 factory overclocked GPU. All the other games/simulators run VERY well but, with FSX on the other hand, I have huge problems with applying descent AA settings and clouds hit performance a lot! Yikes!!

From what I've read in various locations, particularly on AMD's own forums, the driver support for FSX is sadly lacking. The extra memory and speed of the 5850 is still noticeable in comparison with my GTX9800 but the image quality is sadly lacking.

It's a sore point for me and thought it might be helpful for others to know about this, if you're making a decision on a new GPU. If your only interested in FSX - stick to NV.

There may be some descent driver updates coming up (he hopes!). If anyone else has any suggestions - your advice would be appreciated.

BTW. I use ATI Traytools to set 3D GPU settings.

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The Eyefinity takes a LOT of grunt to drive from what I understand.

I personally think the nVidia Cards have to edge across the board where the ATI's seem to favor FPS the nVidia cards work better in Racing and Flight sims . I believe this is because the redraw in nVidia is faster ie draws only what has moved where the ATI redraws the entire screen.

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Funny, I'm running an ATI 1gb 4870, and have had no problems. I bought an Nvidia card about 4 years ago, had nothing but problems. Yanked it out, and went back to ATI. Depends on the system I guess.


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