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My Sim PC has no internet connection


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Hi, i have just purchased the UK Orbx scenery for my flight sim pc but my flight sim pc has no internet connection. Is there a way that i can download the scenery to my memory stick from my laptop and then install it on my pc? I just dont want Orbx thinking that i have 2 devices when all i want to do is to install my purchased scenery on my fs pc from a usb stick as there is no wifi adapter installed on my fs pc? Thank you. Alex 

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Thank you, now I have downloaded the 4gb zip file to my memory stick with no problem, now I have a new problem. How do I download the zip file to fsx wothout an internet connection? I am under the impression that you need an internet connection to run the ftx program to download the scenery. Sadly my wifi signal doesnt stretch to the garage where my flight sim is situated. Im trying to get my head round a solution. Any ideas or suggestions? Thank you

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Hi, i have looked at the docs, i have also downloaded the ftx installer to usb stick and i have atleast 4.6 for .net framework. I have no antivirus installed or firewall blocking anything. But it will not install the ftx software to my win 10. The ftx screen appears very briefly when u try to install, but it flashes off very quickly with nothing installed. Ive tried running the software as administrator but still nothing happens. Is there anything else i can try? Thank you

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I went to enable 2 and 3 but it says i need to connect to windows update to be able to do it. Looks like im going to have to get online to sort this out! Might have to bring pc into my home and connect to my router and plug into tv. Its the only way! Hassle indeed!

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Theres only one account on my pc and that says administrator, so pretty sure I am the administrator, ive checked under user accounts and my user account is called ‘User1’ and underneath that it says I am administrator. Just checked my laptop and the checkbox for .net2 and .net3 is selected aswell as .net4 and and the app works. On my flight sim pc it only has .net4 selected and says i need to connect to windows update for me to enable 2 and 3. So it looks like im going to have to bring my pc in. If its the only way then I will have to do that. Oh well, its all a learning curve! I do really appreciate your help, just cant wait to get the scenery uploaded. My fsx needs it! Thank you

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Hi, I unwired my pc from my home cockpit and put in a wifi dongle and brought it into my home and the pc connected to my home wifi instantly, just a shame the wifi reception from the dongle doesnt stretch to my sim room in garage! Anyway I downloaded .NET 2 and .NET 3 and the software installed instantly to my delight. Just need to download from my zip now! Will let you know how I get on. Thanks for all your help. Alex

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Just to conclude; I have got the scenery up and running and you 100% need an internet connection. This is to  download the FTX software, log on and install the scenery. There is no way of installing or downloading your purchase without the internet. Atleast its all sorted now. Thanks for the help.

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