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Flash drive usage for page file


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Is it possible to speed up the page file by placing it on an 8 gib flash drive, not having spare cash for an SSD what would the effect of changing page file to a flash drive be as a cheaper option? Has anyone tried it and with what results?

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In a nutshell no , Flash drives and External drives are for backup and data transport, NOT running high demand programs and or temp files, admittedly there are portable applications that are specifically designed to run from thumb drives but in general the I/O buffer is simply not fast enough.  You can try it but you must have the Flash stick in at ALL times then and this might create issues regarding physical damage to the Lappy Sockets.

My next Laptop will have a 250 Gb SSD which will make a big difference I think. 

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Thanks for all the responses, I already have a flashdrive in use for readyboost, so was curious to see what effect having a second one with page file. I am running Vista 32 bit with 4 GIG of ram

In my current configuration have two HD in raid zero with operating system and applications spread across them, so wanted to see what was possible without throwing money at problem. Intention is when SSD prices become more reasonable to install an SSD for either FXS or for operating system.

Also at that point in time to upgrade to windows 7

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