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How to uninstall related vector completley

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I know that there's the unisntall button in the orbx control panel, but sometimes I find some sceneries still get left a bit broken, I'm just wondering if there's any other files that Vector leaves behind that I should deleted, since I'm uninstalling vector so I don't have to worry about running into elevation problems anymore! Wasn't sure we're to put this in the forums but I figured this was the spot but if you want to move it feel free too


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22 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

No, there are no Vector files left after it has been uninstalled.

You could simply untick all the scenery library entries instead.

No Vector does not mean no problems with airport elevations but

as ever, please feel free to go your own way.

Thanks, maybe just a simple reinstall off the scenery would work then... flytampa st marteen always gets affected for some odd reason, it sucks for me cause it's one off my favorite scenery addons out there that isnt orbx, I do love orbx but vector just drove me a bit mad with the elevation issues, but I guess thats what you get for having 800gb's worth off flight simulator addons, always going to be hiccups...^.^

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