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FTX No Global Landclass displayed or Vector not working


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I am not sure what is the problem here. First I have had a series of issues with ORBX FTX3 stopping and starting when trying to update, that includes scans of my files that run for hours on end and then some then abort. I finally managed to get FTX Central up and running and then proceeded to do the updates as indicated. 


Now I have this problem in around the Fijian Islands the FSX world scenery is displayed you can see the outline of the changes to the coastline made by ORBX. See attached screenshots which include the lat and long of the area. 


 I know that is the case nothing else has been added here because ORBX Global when it was originally installed fixed these scenery issues properly and had worked faultessly until the problems with FTX and the updating started. I am sure something is either missing or corrupted. However in the interim I did the following:


Re loaded FTX as per N Coopers advice clearing out the old temps etc. Fresch copy worked then went through the same updates to Global Vector and Global Base. 


Doubled checked I had no conflicting files or LC which I don't because there is no mesh, LC or other scenery files other than airports for this area except ORBX. 


Replaced the terrrain config file with a fresh mint condition back up copy. Re ran the scenery config file again and ORBX Vector Configuration tool. No change this is the only area that has the problem and it is a major issue for me because I spent a lot of time creating a flying boat base at Laucala Bay in this scenery. The base shows exactly where it should be but now it is surrounded by water in every direction excepting the coastal outline which is present no LC, Texture or Autogen showing. 


How can this be fixed to get back to where it should be or to have Global Base or Vector work properly here? I have tried every recommendation I have found in these forums. 





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Nick - I have never had a problem with FTX Global or Global Vector before now it always worked as advertised. I have scrupulously kept all of my ORBX stuff up to date. But most importantly I have all my scenery addons outside of FSX in two separate folders, one for AFCADs only and one for complete sceneries with bgls and textures. I have only a few third party meshes none in this area. I also use scenery config editor to add or delete scenery externally and I have never had an issue with it either. 


It may be a coincidence but this all started after FTX Central ran off the rails and basically failed mid way through and update for Global. I also encountered a number of clashes with the main windows system (namely Window Explorer and the window draw function) - basically if FTX was running nothing else would. I have done several reinstalls of FTX Central since, and it all appears to be working. As a safety measure I also uninstalled GSX which has a habit of rewriting various Config files without you knowing it. 


I also reinstalled REX which I use for sky and water textures along with REX SkyForce 3D. 


I have no shader mods, no DX10 preview and no LC mods unless they are for a specific small area. 


Anyway here is my current scenery config file.



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I managed to do an uninstal/remove via FTX  for ORBX Vector, then a fresh download and reinstallation into FSX. Ran ORBX Configurator. 


No change to the issue of the missing part of Fiji and the pics posted above remain the same in the sim. Other parts of the Pacific are fine I checked what they looked like with and without ORBX Vector. 

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NICK  Problem solved. There was a scenery conflict in the Fiji area the reason: The Scenery concerned was a freeware Western Division of Fiji by Tiberius Kowalski. I have had issues with his scenery before and this was the last one I had in my scenery folders. This scenery had not caused any problems in the past but on the off chance that it may have an issue with the latest Vector updates and the only conflicting scenery I could think off I removed it and the Orbx view of Fiji is back to normal. 


Thanks for all your help and assistance by the way. 


I still think FTX Ver 3 needs a rework but that is another issue. 

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