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OrbX Vector might be causing elevation problems in Colombia...?

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It doesn't seem anybody has posted about this yet, so perhaps this is an isolated incident... but I was installing some sceneries by PKSim this evening and specifically aorund SKCL there are a lot of strange 'hills' surrounding the airport. I decided to go have a look and noticed that every hill has a pond, or lake on top of it. Given that only OrbX Vector is changing vector data such as this in these areas, I'm suspecting Vector has caused these issues. However, I didn't see an option to turn off such features so I could test it out, so I decided to post here and see if anybody can offer any help. See the screenshot for an idea of what I'm seeing.


 I'm using P3Dv4.4 with OrbX Global, Vetcor and all LC's currently released. Airport sin this area are VirtualCol SKBO, and PKSim SKCL, SKRG, SKSP, as well as ColSimmer SKSM. But, as I said, the only addon I have installed that would put water features such as these in an area such as this, is OrbX Vector.


Any ideas would be welcomed :)


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Well hot damn, I didn't even know that mesh existed! I installed it and it cleared each and every of the elevation issues I had, including issues with several addon airports I had in the region, most notably VirtualCol's SKBO, which previously was also perched on something of a cliff... I thought it was some sort of incompatibility with P3Dv4...

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