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Night Textures Loading In Middle Of Day! ORBX England FSX


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Hi folks


Even though it's a sunny day, 13.30 local time, ORBX England thinks it's night and is loading night time textures seemingly randomly.  Pictures attached as examples.  As you can imagine it's a real immersion killer.... would like to get ti solved.


Can anyone shed any light on this?


I have FTX Central 3, updated the product, have the latest libraries installed and have run, and re-reun the migration tool.


Any help would be much appreciated.









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  • 4 weeks later...

Can anyone help with this?  


"Day" is selected in the FSX time and date menu so there shouldn't be any night lights on the roads.  I've tried it at times between 10:00 and 14:00 and lights all the time appear on the roads.  I could understand at dawn or dusk but this just looks silly!


Please let me know if you need additional info - I'm not sure where to start. 


I've tried the FSrealtime program which has not helped. 


Any input from ORBX would be appreciated. 


Thank you.



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Hi Andrew


Maybe start by unchecking\deactivating your Orbx England region in your scenery library and see what happens? If the problem is still there, then it is not the Orbx England region causing the issue, if the problem is gone, then uninstall and reinstall your Orbx England region...

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Thank you Doug, I deactivated everything in the addon scenery library and there were still some small patches of night lighting showing through, nothing as significant as in the screen shots, but some still there.  It must be something inherent in FSX then, such a shame as it really spoils the scenery.  One day if I ever get time, I'll do a complete reinstall...


Thanks for the suggestion.




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