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How to tell what nVidia 3D settings are currently active?


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I have a new PC up and running and I was experiencing very choppy performance until I applied Wolter's nVidia control panel settings, which made everything go smooth - great! But for a while I was confused because sometimes when I ran FSX it was choppy again, and sometimes it wasn't. Now then, I have the 3D settings bound to the FSX application, and I think what's happening is that sometimes they aren't activated. For example, it seems that if I run FSX from the desktop shortcut I don't get the right 3D settings (hence choppy and unflyable), while if I run it from FSXGo things are fine.

The simplest solution would be to set the 3D defaults to what I need for FSX, but really it would be nice to know if anyone can shed light on the following:

(1) Where does the binding of 3D settings to an application get done? In other words, what is looking out for fsx.exe being started and then switching the 3D settings in?

(2) How can I see what 3D settings are currently active?


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You may want to try the lastest driver since you have a GTX.....  http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7_winvista_64bit_196.34_beta.html

I've installed this driver and I like it, no improvement in FPS but the ride is smoother.

As soon as you install a new driver you have to adjust everything again in the control panel and make sure to use driver sweeper in safe mode before installing the new driver.

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(2) How can I see what 3D settings are currently active?

Right Click on your desktop and select the nVidia Control Panel option  there in the 3D settings Tab you will see the Global Setting and there is also an Application Tab where you can set individual Applications 3D settings  this is where you set things for BOTH FSX and FSXGo ( What ever that is ) 

Your issues are exactly I NEVER allow the Application to control my 3D settings as they very often foul up and do not co-operate, by returning to the standby setting for the desktop and on loading the new settings for another 3D App things are not what they should be.

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(2) How can I see what 3D settings are currently active?

Right Click on your desktop and select the nVidia Control Panel option  there in the 3D settings Tab you will see the Global Setting and there is also an Application Tab where you can set individual Applications 3D settings  this is where you set things for BOTH FSX and FSXGo ( What ever that is ) 

Your issues are exactly I NEVER allow the Application to control my 3D settings as they very often foul up and do not co-operate, by returning to the standby setting for the desktop and on loading the new settings for another 3D App things are not what they should be.

Thank you Maurice, I was in a hurry and I forgot to answer this question.......senior moment.

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(1) Where does the binding of 3D settings to an application get done? In other words, what is looking out for fsx.exe being started and then switching the 3D settings in?

As stated in the nVidia Control Panel is where these setting s are bound.  They can be left global (ie one setting for all ) but Flight may need to be set lower to be smooth. NOW FSX has additional minor settings that can enhance the settings from the nVidia Control Panel.

It is trial and error and as I have said in other threads can be time consuming and VERY machine specific, ie what works for me could be a mine field for you.

(2) How can I see what 3D settings are currently active?

As above right click on the desktop and select the nVidia Control Panel then select 3D settings and go through the list to see what the Global and or Game specific 3D settings are.

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(1) Where does the binding of 3D settings to an application get done? In other words, what is looking out for fsx.exe being started and then switching the 3D settings in?

As stated in the nVidia Control Panel is where these setting s are bound.

No, I mean how and when does it actually get done? This is just where you tell it what you want it to do when you run the application. There is a point during the launch of an application where the 3D setting actually get switched, because something is recognising that you're starting FSX. Or, conversely, when an application requests 3D graphics services, some bit of nVidia software looks up the application in a table and decides what specific settings to apply. I suspect that something in that process isn't always working right.

(2) How can I see what 3D settings are currently active?

As above right click on the desktop and select the nVidia Control Panel then select 3D settings and go through the list to see what the Global and or Game specific 3D settings are.

That just tells me what 3D settings I'm hoping are active, it doesn't help me find out if that's what I've got. I want to know how to look and see what the setting actually are at any given time.
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Geez you don't half want much do you .

Sadly I don't know of any application available that will allow you to actually do this, The only way I know of is as I outlined the nVidia Control panel holds the settings.

I mean how and when does it actually get done?

When the DirectX D3D9.dll and it's dependants get called by the Program is when the 3D becomes active.

in the case of FSX this is ONLY the case when you actually get into the cockpit and NOT the Aircraft selection GUI this #d is done utilizing the 3D model viewer similar to any CAD program, which is why I chuckle when people complain they can't see the DX Preview, which has little or no bearing on the way the screen should look when in flight mode.

ONLY when the Application fires up the DirectX and associated 3D files within Windows and the Application in this case FSX. FSX is basically as dumb as when it comes to the graphics control and this is why nVidia Control Panel and nHancer generally do a far better job of setting and holding the graphics settings.

This is also why I set things manually , many games and simulations are supposed to be able to hold settings and alpply them and then return to the standard setting when finished. You next game should take over and do what it needs and then return to the defaults standby setting, alas often they do not and your settings you painstakingly went to the trouble of making go all pear shaped.

This leads me to why I set the Global Graphics settings to the absolute MAX available and then turn things down in the Applications TAB for a specific Program as is necessary.

Don't forget the graphics settings within FSX and other applications too while they are ALL separate they are also very much interactive with each other.

That just tells me what 3D settings I'm hoping are active, it doesn't help me find out if that's what I've got

The settings made in nVidia control panel WILL be the settings applied to the Game or simulation IF they are available within the Game or Simulation.

I think there is or was as part of the ATI Tool or it's nVidia counterpart that have a small plugin that extracted DirectX data and sent it to the little display on a Logitech G15 Keyboard.

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The settings made in nVidia control panel WILL be the settings applied to the Game or simulation IF they are available within the Game or Simulation.

Well not always, it seems (or at least that's my current theory), which is where I came in!
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sorry to drop in late on the conversation, Maurie is correct about the settings , question is are you running fullscreen <=> windowed mode, did you get the jaggies when in multiplayer ?

I run full-screen. Never tried multi-player, so I don't know about that.
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Well not always, it seems (or at least that's my current theory), which is where I came in!

They will IF your Simulation or game allows that particular setting, remember there are MANY features available in Direct 3D that are NOT available in FSX and can be manually set with the nVidia control Panel or nHancer although nHancer has had it's day I believe.

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They will IF your Simulation or game allows that particular setting, remember there are MANY features available in Direct 3D that are NOT available in FSX and can be manually set with the nVidia control Panel or nHancer although nHancer has had it's day I believe.

Can nHancer and the Nvidia Control panel co-exist? I would have thought they would create a conflict!
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