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EGPN Runway misaligned


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Good evening.

The Dundee, Scotland (EGPN) runway is incorrectly aligned. Should be 27/09 but is currently 28/10. This could be a P3Dv4 issue.

I am not sure if there is a way for me to correct this myself or if it requires an update from P3D/Orbx.


Many thanks

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Hi Nick. Yes, that could be. I realized, after I had submitted my query, that the numbers could simply be mislabeled. I wondered if the numbers were autogenerated based on alignment. All the same, the runways are good but the numbers are out. 

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Runway numbers were changed at EGPN in 7/2018 due to change of magnetic variation. Maybe you check this site:



With this update runway identifiers also should get updated.I am currently not at home to verify this for EGPN. But the update works well. You also get a corrected MAGDEC.BGL file giving you a more accurate magnetic deviation.




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Thanks Reinhard and Nick.

I ran the program but still reading 28/10. I disabled ORBX Scotland and the runway numbers corrected to 27/09 but the scenery was all wrong. Enabling ORBX scenery resulted in beautiful scenery but wrong numbers. Interestingly the magnetic compass reading is 273 in aeroplane ( on the p3d startup page/scenario/ change location- the heading reads 270.5) which is lined up with runway)

Not sure what to make of it all.

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Nick, thanks for sharing this information. The troubles in that case arised, as the update used the correct new name of the airport and ORBX scenery used the old one - so this was treated as two different airports. Interesting to know for similar cases in the future. In the case of EGPN the ORBX scenery has higher priority and obviously and therefore the numbers aren't changed by the update. So let's hope that ORBX updates the airports from time to time for this type of change.


Btw.: The installer has a tool to analyze potential conflicts. This may help in such cases.


For the difference between heading and magnetic compass: The current magnetic deviation according to the actual chart of EGPN is 1.9W. The more you come to the north you should check this deviation. In BIKF for example you have already a deviation of 14 degrees to the west.





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as far as I can tell the aero.sors utility changes the default airports.


This will most certainly cause a problem where an airport's ICAO code has been changed,

because any addon airport will be unable to exclude a different airport at the same place,

so two will be seen, as in the attached topic.

I expect that there are very few cases of this and it is not relevant to this topic.


Because it changes the default airports and any addon must exclude the default airport, the

aero.sors product is of no use at all in changing the numbers at any addon airport.


The Airport Design Editor will allow a change of the addon airport and if the runway is

conventional, the runway markings will change too.

I would expect that all the Orbx addon airports included in an Orbx region will behave this way

and there is your solution.

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You are absolutely right with your solution. By editing the right file you can change it. From a customer perspective it would be fine, if we get could such changes maybe at a yearly base via one of the updates, which are anyhow applied from time to time to the ORBX products. Would be a great service. Otherwise all customers edit within the ORBX installation, which might produce other troubles if not done correctly.






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