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Clarification Required


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Thanks Aimee for responding so promptly to my earlier post, but unfortunately your response has raised more questions than it answered.


For example, you state that without regions "some airports may only be bare bones useable" and are not "guaranteed to be in a sellable state".


This contravenes completely the assertion made by John Venema to Froogle that without regions the airports "...work fine."


Who out of the CEO and the Marketing Manger at Orbx is telling the truth here?


Also, please can you answer my question regarding whether Orbx are going to do the honourable (and legal) thing here and allow customers who feel they have been mis-sold additional products the opportunity to apply for a refund.


Best regards,


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You seem to have quite the ax to grind here, and are impressively persistent.


I am not employed by ORBX, and have gladly paid for the several dozen airports and regions I own.  I can remember reading this forum for the past several years, and numerous posts asked about using the airports without the regions, and the answer I always saw was, "they'll work...but things will be missing."  I believed the only way that the airports would fully work, as well as look as advertised, was by purchasing their accompanying regions.


Now, was it worded as a requirement on the ORBX site?  You bet it was, as Froogle correctly pointed out.  I have never met Mr. Venema, and he did seem to come off on his YouTube comments as somewhat flippant.  However, I would tend to agree with him that the overwhelming percentage of people that purchased their airports, have also purchased the regions that go with them.  Again, the requirement wording on the site could be construed as misleading, but I sincerely doubt they were trying to purposely fool people into purchasing the regions.  Hell, the regions came out first, and from all signs, they sold like hotcakes before airports were even released for the regions; especially at the rate they are now.


I also don't know you, but you're coming off as someone who just wants to wag their finger around, and shout to the sky about how unfair this is.  I don't believe they owe anyone a full refund, as they didn't force people to buy the airports.  Furthermore, if people were so confused about the wording, they sure didn't bring it up prior to Froogle's video.


Very best regards sir,



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