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hi guys i hope you are doing great, i am writing in behalf of my brother as he bought YBAS alice springs  we love australia!.


Well something doesnt seem right, we made sure ftx central is updated with libs updated and ybas too.


problem is that the concrete taxi way looks like grass textures so looks like this (look attached file).


from what we seem on the original pictures it looks great!.


one thing though it happens to all airports we have from orbx. (ybas and also with ybbn)


we have reinstalled  both scenery and still the same problem.


we used rex texture direct for p3dv4 and rex skyforce 3d.


we have restored backups thinking rex was the culprit here but no luck still same thing.


using pta tool 2.62 with no terrain modifications.


using reshade preset of thompat.



im sorry for my broken english.


thanks everyone.






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the answer is the detail1.bmp file that you have chosen to use, as  stated in the other topic

that you added to.

REX is indeed the culprit as you have, perhaps not intentionally, added their grass/weeds detail1.bmp file.

It is this that is making all your ground textures look like badly maintained grass.

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