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Removing Airports

Pete B

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Hi All


I'm trying to remove an Airport from PNW - KPDX, as I wish to use an afd with more accurate Mil parking and without the static aircraft. The problem is that I'm getting elevation issues or autogen issues once I have removed the obvious files. These are the files I have disabled:








Disabling this file does not seem to make any difference




I also had the same thing with KSEA but gave up eventually and stuck with the FTX VERSION. Any help would be appreciated.


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scenery\world\scenery\ADE_FTX_PNW_KPDX_elevation_adjustment.BGL will be the most likely cause.

You can find all these files by making windows search for the ICAO code.

If your addon requires an elevation adjustment file and you have not added it, the same problem will occur.

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